Illit Rosen

Dear Ofra,
It was totally exciting for me to read your book. What you have to say resonates completely with thoughts and feelings I have but didn’t know how to thread together, which you do!
Amazingly already in the first paragraph you describe a scene I experienced in 2004. I went with a few women friends to an end of a road in a village outside Biet-Lehem to lay on the ground and watch for shooting Stars. I didn’t get to see many meteors that evening but I was thinking to myself that only in the Palestinian territories is it possible to be in the dark of night and see stars. Every Israeli habitation is always flooded by light.
I think that any discussion on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict which does not include a discussion on the origin, agenda, activities, mobilization and implication of the national religious (fundamentalist) movement in Israel is seriously flawed.
Illit Rosen
January 2007
Illit Rosen is an Israeli peace activist

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